Auricular Acupuncture: A Brief Introduction for Military Providers. Citation: (King 2013, 867–874)

Facing a variety of complex physical and mental health conditions, injured veterans returning home from deployment often require long-term medical management for conditions that can be challenging to treat with conventional Western medicine practices alone. In an article by Heather King and colleagues from the Naval Medical Center San Diego and the American Academy of Nursing, Auricular acupuncture is introduced as an approach being used to manage symptoms associated with a wide range of health conditions especially as related to military settings. See link to Oxford Academic for free article.


Heather C. King, NC USN, Anita H. Hickey, MC USN, Cynthia Connelly, RN, PhD, FAAN, Auricular Acupuncture: A Brief Introduction for Military Providers, Military Medicine, Volume 178, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages 867–874,

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