Effects of Laser Acupuncture Therapy for Patients With Inadequate Recovery From Bell’s Palsy: Preliminary Results From Randomized, DoubleBlind, Sham-Controlled Study. Citation: (Ton 2021)

This original research, a clinical trial investigating the effects of laser acupuncture for Bell’s palsy, suggests that using laser acupuncture treatment may have clinical effects on long-term complications of Bell’s palsy.  Read the full abstract, and link to full article access, at the Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences.   Reference: Ton, G., Lee, L.-W., Ho, W.-C., Tu, C.-H., Chen, Y.-H., & Lee, Y.-C. (2021). Effects of Laser Acupuncture Therapy for Patients With Inadequate Recovery ...

Auricular Interventions in Neurology: the Vascular Autonomic Signal Challenge. Citation: (Quah-Smith, 2018)

Dr. Im Quah-Smith, MD, PhD, conjoint lecturer for Women’s and Children’s Health the University of New South Wales Medicine Program, points to evidence, clinical applications, and several use cases, to argue for broader use of Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) palpation in Auricular interventions (Auricular Medicine, ear acupuncture, transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation, and low-level laser therapy): “Today Auricular Medicine has strong biological and clinical evidence for its application with...

Near-Infrared Transcranial Radiation for Major Depressive Disorder: Proof of Concept Study. Citation: (Cassano 2015)

Paolo Cassano at the Massachusetts General Hospital Depression Clinical & Research Program in Boston, and respective colleagues at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine, LiteCure LLC, and Mount Sinai Hospital, have registered and completed a pilot study with ClinicalTrials.gov to confirm and extend preliminary data on Transcranial near-infrared radiation (NIR) is an innovative treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). In a double-blind, randomized study of 6 sessions of NIR versus ...

Biological effects of low level laser therapy. Citation: (2014 Farivar)

Low level laser has been used to reduce pain, inflammation and edema, to promote wound, deeper tissues and nerves healing, and to prevent tissue damage since the invention of lasers. Sherin Farivar and colleagues review proposed cellular mechanisms responsible for the effect of visible light on mammalian cells, including cytochrome c oxidase (with absorption peaks in the Near Infrared | NIR). Mitochondria are thought to be a likely site for the initial effects of light, leading to increased A...

Auricular Acupuncture with Laser. Citation: (Round 2013)

Beyond the use of needles, auricular treatments are applied using Low Level Laser. In a review article lead by Regina Round in conjunction with the Frank Bahr Research Group “Auriculomedicine and Pharmacopuncture,” scientific findings on auricular acupuncture with laser are described and critically discussed. Results of studies have shown evidence of the effect of auricular laser acupuncture. However, a comparison of these studies was impossible due to their different study designs. Details o...

Role of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Neurorehabilitation. Citation: (Hashmi 2010, 292-305)

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation has been in clinical use not only for wound healing and pain relief, but also the treatment of stroke, myocardial infarction, and degenerative or traumatic brain disorders. This review, which covers the mechanisms of LLLT on a cellular and a tissue level, offers biological context to practitioners who use low-level laser (cold laser) in Auricular Medicine, specifically with relevance to neurology. Sign up for our online LLLT courses and l...