There are two types of strokes: (1) a severe type with loss of consciousness (involvement of the internal organs) and (2) a milder type with no loss of consciousness (involvement of the channels only). In both types, aphasia can be present. The effectiveness of acupuncture for addressing apoplectic aphasia has been shown in studies.[1,2] For auricular acupuncture, select from Brain, Adrenal Gland E, Adrenal Gland C, Point Zero, ShenMen, Master Cerebral, Sympathetic Autonomic Point, Endocrine Point, Tongue C, Tongue E, and Heart C. These points help patients who have disordered speech in general. Tenderness to pressure is the guide for selecting point. A point detector may be used instead.[3] See the full article from Medical Acupuncture on PubMed.
Sudhakaran P. How Do You Treat Poststroke Aphasia with Acupuncture in Your Practice? Med. Acupunct. 2014; 26(5): 298-301. doi: 10.1089/acu.2014.26521.
[1] Sun Y, Xue SA, Zuo Z. Acupuncture therapy on [sic] apoplectic aphasia rehabilitation. J Tradit Chin Med. 2012;32(3):314–321 [PubMed]
[2] Li G, Yang ES. An fMRI study of acupuncture-induced brain activation of aphasia stroke patients. Complement Ther Med. 2011;19(suppl1):S49–S59 [PubMed]