Auricular acupuncture diagnosis in patients with lumbar hernia. Citation: (Romoli 2016, 61-65)

Romoli and his colleagues completed a study to identify the specific auricular zones related to lumbar hernia in patients treated using a series of epidural infiltrations with corticosteroids. A significant association was found for some auricular areas, along the series of epidural infiltrations, with a progressive reduction in the number of tender and low electrical resistance points together with a decrease of pain and hand-foot distance. It was concluded that auricular zones found with auricular acupuncture diagnosis seem of clinical relevance and could be included in the complementary treatment of lumbar-sciatic pain in lumbar hernia. Abstract and request for full text at PubMed.

The Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine (CIAM) offers training for the use of Auricular Medicine in assessment and treatment approaches.

Romoli M, Greco F, Giommi A. Auricular acupuncture diagnosis in patients with lumbar hernia. Complimentary Therapies in Medicine. 2016 Jun;26:61-5.

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