The human ear (the auricle) offers access for neuromodulation in support of a broad range of therapeutic approaches. Auricular methods work well under both biomedical and biopsychosocial models (for pain and other conditions). From Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation,[1] to acupuncture,[3][6] to psychological frameworks such as Polyvagal Theory, Trauma-Informed Care, and Somatic Psychology,[2-3] auricular methods provide an integrative pathway to healing that is grounded in a holistic mind-body connection.
The main theoretical basis for auricular stimulation is explained by the anatomy and innervation of the ear, a microsystem of the human body that arises from all three germ layers and neural crest cells to represent all the tissue types of the human system, as well as which receives all of the major nerve branches.[3][4-5] This theoretical basis is supported by several sources of evidence including:
- Long-standing clinical experience with auricular acupuncture;[3][6]
- Case-control observational studies dealing with the therapeutic effects of auricular stimulation;[7-13]
- Neurophysiologic and fMRI studies in humans showing that auricular stimulation modulates the functional state of brain areas that are the target of the vagus and trigeminal nerves;[14-16] and,
- Experimental studies with animal models, proving that auricular stimulation influence produces effects in the CNS that are comparable to those produced by invasive VNS and TNS.[17-18]
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