Ear Charts
9 items found in Ear Charts
New Bahr Poster with Meridians
- $120.00
This large beautiful wall poster visualizes the ear with useful features such as key anatomical regions, Pain Memory points and detailed neuroanatomical points. It shows hundreds of the most common points — including many of Dr. Bahr's newly discovered psycho-emotional points as well as a separat...
Ear Wall Chart of Common Functional Points
- $12.00
Points Covered Histamine Progesteron Renin-Angiotensin Beta-1 Receptor Caffeine Analogue Nervous Liver (Anger) (Zone 2) Estrogen Psychotherapy Cortisone (Zone 3) Insulin (Zone 3) Thymus Gland (Zone 3) Barbituate Analogue Thyroid Gland (zone 3) Frustration Interferon Diazepam Analogue Pineal Gl...
Ear Wall Chart of Teeth and their Corresponding Auricular Points
- $12.00
Points Covered see poster Specifications Poster dimensions 13 x 17 inches Poster includes: Diagram of ears (left and right) Chart of teeth Listing of corresponding auricular points (to teeth and located on ears) Description The teeth represent an important aspect to overall health, both in ...
Ear Wall Chart of Chronic Pain Points
- $12.00
Points Covered Sensory and Motor for Shoulder (example) Counterblockage of C2 and L4 (example) Dorsal Horn region - Zone 8 Nuclei of Origin region Intervertebral Disks - Zone 4 Muscles and Ligaments - Zone 7 Sympathetic Ganglion - Zone 2 - Stellate Ganglion (example) Interferon Valium Lung Viox...
Ear Wall Chart of Indicator Points for Trace Elements and Vitamins
- $12.00
Points Covered Gold Tin Aluminum Nickel Lead Titanium Palladium Mercury Copper Iron Cadmium Magnesium Silver Formaldahyde Zinc B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 Folic Acid E, K, D Specifications Poster dimensions 13 x 17 inches Poster includes: Diagram of ears (left and right) and corresponding p...
Ear Wall Chart of Teeth and their Corresponding Auricular Points DIGITAL
- $12.00
Points Covered see poster Specifications Poster dimensions 13 x 17 inches Poster includes: Diagram of ears (left and right) Chart of teeth Listing of corresponding auricular points (to teeth and located on ears) Description The teeth represent an important aspect to overall health, both in ...
Ear Wall Chart of Indicator Points for Trace Elements and Vitamins DIGITAL
- $12.00
Points Covered Gold Tin Aluminum Nickel Lead Titanium Palladium Mercury Copper Iron Cadmium Magnesium Silver Formaldahyde Zinc B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 Folic Acid E, K, D Specifications Poster dimensions 13 x 17 inches Poster includes: Diagram of ears (left and right) and corresponding p...
Ear Wall Chart of Common Functional Points DIGITAL
- $12.00
Points Covered Histamine Progesteron Renin-Angiotensin Beta-1 Receptor Caffeine Analogue Nervous Liver (Anger) (Zone 2) Estrogen Psychotherapy Cortisone (Zone 3) Insulin (Zone 3) Thymus Gland (Zone 3) Barbituate Analogue Thyroid Gland (zone 3) Frustration Interferon Diazepam Analogue Pineal Gl...
Ear Wall Chart of Chronic Pain Points DIGITAL
- $12.00
Points Covered Sensory and Motor for Shoulder (example) Counterblockage of C2 and L4 (example) Dorsal Horn region - Zone 8 Nuclei of Origin region Intervertebral Disks - Zone 4 Muscles and Ligaments - Zone 7 Sympathetic Ganglion - Zone 2 - Stellate Ganglion (example) Interferon Valium Lung Viox...