The field of auricular practice goes well beyond auricular protocols, therapies and ear acupuncture to include an understanding of neurology-, resonance- and frequency-based concepts found in today’s modern medicine.

Auricular Medicine Succinctly Defined.

It is not otolaryngology or a field of medicine to treat the ear. Rather, it is a field of medicine to treat the entire body via the ear (auricle). There exist several fields of analogous auricular methods, including Auricular Stimulation Procedures, Auricular Therapy and Ear Acupuncture. Many, are protocol-based (i.e. Battlefield Acupuncture and AcuDetox), therapeutic-focused (i.e. Auricular Therapy also known as Auriculotherapy), or methods of ear acupuncture as directly originated from the practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) body acupuncture. The field of auricular practice goes well beyond protocols, therapies and ear acupuncture to also specifically include concepts in neuroscience, neuro-acupuncture, and bioelectromagnetic medicine (i.e. resonance-based signals, resonance signaling and frequency modulation) for assessment, treatment, and most importantly the prioritization of treatment options to address constitutional issues otherwise preventing healing. This is Auricular Medicine.

And, this is what makes the study and practice of Auricular Medicine so encompassing. Because, beyond the therapeutic protocols, an attention to the the reflex zones of the ear can provide insight into neural states and effective means by which to regulate them. German Auricular Medicine, in particular, offers a direct lineage between the origins of Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine (as based on the work of Dr. Paul Nogier) and the modern and current developments of Auricular Medicine in Europe.  

English language texts for Auricular Medicine include the following: 

Ear Acupuncture: A Precise Pocket Atlas Based on the Works of Nogier/Bahr,


Identifying and Treating Blockages to Healing: New Approaches to Therapy-Resistant Patients


Auricular Medicine: A Window to the Brain

Even seasoned practitioners across a broad range of practice areas choose CIAM training to discover new pathways for healing, particularly for therapy resistant patients. By integrating Auricular Medicine into their practice, they have a new tool to support insights and treatment for an improved healing process.


Auricular Medicine can offer powerful insight for prioritized treatment of what ails the entire body because of its basis in neurology. “The ear, the auricle, is a window to the brain, showing us a dynamic, current reflection of what is happening in the whole brain, making the structures and functions of the person visible and accessible to the trained practitioner.” [1] (p.1)

As such, Auricular Medicine offers insight into, and a gateway for treatment of the central nervous system. It is a form of “non-invasive neuromodulation, meaning we can modulate deep regions of the brain - safely and precisely.” [1] (p.7).


This opportunity for neuromodulation is what makes auricular medicine a treatment of choice for a range of hard-to-treat conditions such as chronic pain, hormonal disorders, psychological trauma and stress disorders.

Bridging conventional and alternative medicine

Advances in scientific research continue to bring once seemingly disparate modalities of medicine closer together. In particular, insights from neuroscience, cellular biology, and quantum physics provide frameworks for understanding commonalities between conventional and alternative approaches. We are learning that, ultimately everything is energy.

Auricular Medicine offers a bridge amongst modalities due to the essential role of neuromodulation. By integrating auricular, you can identify and support interventions that stimulate energy homeostasis, or balance, thereby supporting an efficient healing process, as well as amplifying responsiveness to other healing modalities.

Energy, balance and health

In the most simple terms, energy affects the way in which we exist in our environment (at peace or in disharmony), our physiological state (in balance or out of balance), and our consciousness or perception of reality (regulation of learning, memory and cognitive processes). Conventional medicine has shifted from a view of the human body as a machine with disparate moving parts (in which disease is isolated from overall health) to a view of the human body as an electro-chemically regulated entity (whose well being is considered holistically to include environment and state of mind). Whether we affect our physiology and psychology with nutrition, pharmaceuticals, acupuncture, yoga, or even spiritual practice, we are in essence just using different methods to achieve a common goal: an improved state of being — regulation of energy homeostasis.

Auricular Medicine as a frequency-based medicine

Neuromodulation techniques implemented from the outer ear have been scientifically validated [2]. Decades of clinical application and research present Auricular Medicine as a window to the brain because of the ability to affect the central nervous system [1], which is at the core of the regulation of energy homeostasis [3]. Everything is energy, and as such, everything also has a frequency. German Auricular Medicine, in particular because of its development of frequency-based protocols, adds value to other modalities with its capacity for sophisticated assessment and treatment insights. The use of frequencies to test substances for resonance against a patient’s Somatotopy (the point-for-point correspondence of an area of the body to a specific point on the central nervous system) enables neurological insight. Practitioners of auricular medicine use the somatotopic mapping of the body on the ear, and palpation of the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS), the diagnostic pulse, to test the effect of substances on the patient, and the ideal location and frequency for treatments.


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[1] Agnes, Muriel. Auricular Medicine: Window to the Brain. Blurb, 2018

[2] Mercante, B., et. al. “Auricular Neuromodulation: The Emerging Concept beyond the Stimulation of Vagus and Trigeminal Nerves.” Medicines, March (2018).

[3] Luquet, S. "The central nervous system at the core of the regulation of energy homeostasis." Front BioSci School Ed, (2009).