Scheduling and Registering Your CMCP Courses: Except for VAS Skills Building and LLLT 1 (items 7 & 8, which are not required to earn certification), all courses must be taken in the order listed below since each is a pre-requisite for the next:
- Level I: Enhanced Auricular Assessment and Treatment
- Level I: Clinical Practicum 1
- Level II: Clearing Blockages to Healing
- Level II: Clinical Practicum 2
- Level III: Master Methods
- Level III: Clinical Practicum 3
- VAS Skills Building Workshop
- Low Level Laser Therapy course LLLT 1
Complete Masters Certificate Program (CMCP) Details
The CMCP is for students who know they are serious to learn Auricular Medicine and become fully certified. The program offers a highly economical means of achieving your goal. Rather than register for these course individually (otherwise costing $4430), registration in this program offers you significant savings and value. The program includes:
- Level I: Enhanced Auricular Assessment and Treatment (on-site)
- Level I: Clinical Practicum 1 (online)
- Level II: Clearing Blockages to Healing (on-site)
- Level II: Clinical Practicum 2 (online)
- Level III: Master Methods (on-site)
- Level III: Clinical Practicum 3 (online)
- VAS Skills Building Workshop (on-site, half-day or full-day option)
- Low Level Laser Therapy course LLLT 1 (online)
- The ability to retake any CMCP course at a 50% discount (unrestricted by deadline*). Please note that the 50% discount is the responsibility of CMCP enrollee to check at the time of purchase and shall be requested by the CMCP enrollee if it is not applied automatically by CIAM. Please see our Refund Policy respective to missed discounts.
- Level III CIAM Certification certificate — Full master-level certification!
- Listing in Global Network of CIAM Certified Practitioners upon earning certification (see Details of Certification)
*Open program period: The CMCP is currently open without a determined deadline for completion. In an effort to grow CMCP programming, CIAM has lifted time restrictions on program access in order to accommodate students on limited course availability. This shall not imply that program policies on access time limits, course offerings or CMCP programming (i.e. available courses and/or program structure) may not be replaced, closed or changed at anytime for any reason (i.e. in response to student needs or CIAM program graduation and certification goals). Please see our Refund Policy respective to CIAM course cancellations and program changes.
- Rubber Ears (external link)
- Pointoselect DT (external link) point finder to detect and treat auricular points. CIAM recommends this particular point finder because of its precision. An alternate Pointoselect is available for order in the USA at
Certification: Certification is not guaranteed it is earned. Please read about CIAM Certification — Certification FAQs and requirements and guidelines for professionalism.
Global Network of Practitioners: Once you complete your first certification you will be listed on the global network listing of CIAM-certified practitioners.
Program Changes: CIAM reserves the right to adjust the CMCP offering. CIAM will make every effort to maintain analogous programming standards for students already enrolled in CMCP, or make replacements with options of similar value.