"What immediately struck me upon attending my first training was the opportunity...
...to directly apply methods used in Auricular Medicine to support our work as psychologists. Through my own clinical and training work in the area of somatic psychology, I see great benefit in the transformation of emotional resistance by clearing somatic barriers. With its basis in the nervous system, Auricular Medicine offers insights and methods for clearing physiological and emotional blockages that should be applied in today's modern somatic psychology practice."
– Thasja Hoffmann, LM...
“As a psychologist, my awareness of the connections...
...of body, mind and spirit brought me to this Auricular Medicine. Trauma resides in both the body and the brain, and with my tools of attentive listening combined with needles, I help patients become aware of stressful patterns and help relieve them of both physical and psychological pain.”
– Helene Pilon | Level II CIAM Certified Psychologist in New Brunswick