"Most of my patients are coming in for nutrition work, and I use auricular acupuncture...
...for those patients wanting acupuncture. I love using auricular acupuncture with the Nogier Pulse, and have good results. For example last week, a patient came in with classic 'plum pit throat". I identified and treated 6 related points - and the patient had immediate relief! This is not an uncommon experience, and so rapid it fits well into my busy schedule."
– Dan Eyink, MD | Level I CIAM Certified Medical Doctor in Massachusetts
"With this auricular medicine, my clients have noticed a reduction of symptoms after only a few visits...
...and, consequently, a fast improvement in their quality of life! In some cases symptoms are completely eliminated. The possibilities are endless since the principles of this medicine are based on finding out what the body needs. I can find the root cause and quickly assist my patients’ recovery. This training program has allowed me to exchange precious information with the instructors and fellow practitioners."
– Louise Therrien, ND, SES, Laser | Level II CIAM Certified Naturopath in Quebec